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...sometimes there's nothing better than a neanderthal blast of prime troggism and this compilation is a fizzing double biscuit of heavy slop from the andover foursome...right from the kick off the first tune has all the ingredients that make up quality trogg blare, its all here, not quite fully formed but its easy to see from this two minutes that they had an idea of what made a punchy noise just right for the times, straddling commerciality with club thud...there's been about a thousand and one trogg comps and exploitational wax over the decades and nearly all of them fall short of th'mark by including too many of the ballads that just didn't cut it, but here the ballads included are their better efforts but that dont matter too much because the pounding tunes far outnumber them...takes in the first 10 years of troggnacious living (even now on a good night a lounge/oldies trogg gig is top swill) which of course is really where its at, moving from garage r'n'b to mersh thudpop to psych/hard rock on into the seventies by which time they were going with the trends and not inventing' their own version of the current buzz, which again is of no concern to cats who know the score when it comes to the troggbeat...easy to see why lester bangs meshed his gears over these hooligans, the snear and the thud; aint a thing out there to match it...a wild and groovy ride to the caves of the yesterday mynd...
oh the middle class jurnos 4 the uk music rags used to larf at the toggs 4 being working class brickies[similarly graham parker 4 once being a petrol pump attendant]-they just didn't fit.
being real and not a middle class effete puppet does engender the wrath of would be trend setters who wish rock'n'roll would be sedate in its theatrical wildness...
I love the Troggs, this is a great set, I bought it years ago. Were you able to include the Troggs tape that came on a third disk? Very funny stuff
trogg tapes is indeed worthy of posting, must look it back out and maybe make amends and a few cats laugh, at least once go through with suitable circumstances delivered...
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