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...after th'byrds 'sweetheart' LP had managed to alienate th'hippy audience they might have had once'n not gainin' any fans from th'country side o' th'tracks it was time for mcguinn to get some sorta order in th'camp'n he set about gettin' some heavy rock tunes on wax...these numbers, in th'shape o' dylans basement tape outin' 'wheels on fire'/bad night at th'whiskey/king apathy were fine slices o' 'new rock' but th'country tunes were still appearin'n late 60s amerikkka was not th'place for hippy draft dodgers to start diggin' th'music o' th'enemy so th'intended regroupin' o'rock heads for fans didn't produce th'desired result...listenin' in th'here&now brings on thoughts that maybe he shoulda dropped th'country in favour o' his electronic experimentation cos th'rock side o' th'wax could easily accommodate moogy noodlin'n that woulda put mcguinn back in th'forefront o' music ready for th'seventies but he couldn't shake off his natural conservatism so th' country stayed on later albums along with dreadful singer/songer whinin'n skip battin novelty tuneage...with dr.byrds th'rot is settin' in'n never again will th'byrds be a force to be reckon'd with, their days were number'd though live they managed to get heavier but couldn't translate that energy to th'studio but when all said'n done this is a nice reminder o' when cats took th'rock culture seriously, when it was important'n not just another branch o' th'consumer society...
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