
jefferson airplane

...the last great LP by a once interesting combo...radical chic political sermonizing balanced against drugged up nonsense is the stance this wax takes...'all ya private property is target for your enemy' is one of the trendy/lefty/anarchy situations they throw up for consideration though how much private property they had not many outside the 'frisco elite knew for sure (except maybe the c.i.a/fbi/goverment spies/drug dealers)...how serious the underground freedom fighters such as the weathermen took this anti-establishment middle class babble is hard to say at this late juncture but if rags like rolling stone took them seriously then something of a music biz plot seems to come to light and their 'radical stance' was aiming to capture dissaffected students on their passage into adulthood and sell useless wax for a few years and this seems very much to have been the case as the recordings, which they had full control over became lazier and stodgier until they disappeared from the radar into a galaxy far from the reality of this planet...only marty came away with something worthwhile but even he became unglued for the last and final time in the early 70s...volunteers is nothing short of a glorious mess when all said and done with the tuneage all over the place- lurching, falling and rising in a constant swirl that can get a cat to wondering whether a freshning of the bong maybe needed to bring some semblance of order...this could have been a great stepping off point to becoming a real political rabble rousing force in counterculture terms but sadly they circumbed to their amerikkkan upbringing and entered their name into the money grubbing race...the live cuts that come as bonus show they were really a live hard rock jamming outfit as was the frisco ballroom ethic in the first place...'up against th'wall/tear down th'wall'...

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