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...mutant rhythmn&blues takes its place in th'maltshops/shoppin' malls/psychedelic dungeons o' th great society o' johnsons amerikkka...insinuatin' its hungry freaks into th'cuboid workaday world o' uptight plastic people, these unwashed beatnix poured their exotic doowop 'n folkprotest rock'n'roll into robot minds waitin' to be free'd from th'grip o' chrome plated agony o' th' capitalist death cult wagin' its war against everything in its o' th'early wax that kicked off hippy underground rock'nroll noise o' th'mid 60's 'n th' lyrics 're still relavent (which is a stone drag cos not a thing was learned when th'potential was at its highest)...askin' questions that still need to be answer'd such as who're th'brain police'n can they freak out in kansas if'n it couldn't happen here...has one o' th' only songs to talk honestly o' th'riots in watts in 65...last side (4) is an early avant-rock choogle blast that will melt teenage minds if'n protection isn't sought even approved by suzy who really 'n sincerely recommends ya'll get some o' that motherly love...
...recorded over three/4 daze in late '66, this see's zappa deliverin' an opera on th'state o' amerikkka, just what th'mulchers wanted while they waited for th' draft to whisk them away to exotic locales 'n cheap drugs...referencin' doowop again'n some R&B splat, this also has a total hotcha jazzrock choogle that can't be beat...includes th'non chart single ooozin' its way into teenage minds across th'land...cats wantin th'full 'n true experience should scope for any plastic people, they're nearer than known...
...third mothers LP 'n this one cemented their standin' planet wide as primo list'nin' for counterculture layabouts, it didnt seem to get better than this for many years...everyone from cops/business to hippys/students came in for scrutiny 'n th'verdict was 'could do better''whole disc is full o' cut- ups/droppin's/avant snorks'n edits/whispers'n general stereo FUNnin' about...unbind your mind'n discorporate'n remember there are concentration camps ready for free thinkin' unbeleivers in places many would rather not'last beatnik disk ever? th'death o' innocence'n th' birth o' poetic reality for teenage dopers'n maltshoppers alike...sleep in a phone boothe 'n be creepy, its th' only way...

...recorded through 67/8'n released in 1969 this has got to be seen as th'last great mothers LP, from here on frank went down various jazz, classical avenues 'n paid th'rent with smut rock that pulled in some teen malters for a while...uncle meat was hyped at th'time as a soundtrack to an unfinished film that many thought they'd never see...all th'signiture madness o' earlier albums're here, doo-wop/50s rockroll/suzy creamcheese/tape manipulation/snorks/dislocated dialogue all splattered across some hotcha jazzbo rockin' that weaves its way round both discs...these beatnix went out in fine style'n zappa would never find true motherness again...turn th'amplifier up'n trust your mothers, its th'only way...
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