...riff happy duo poundin' out some fuzz rockers interspersed with some acoustic folkie strum'n jangle noise that all give off some cool'n varied vibes as each trk though different seem to lead in to th'next naturally as if it were pre-ordained some time ago in mystic mythic tymes that th'order o' this wax should be ever thus so puttin' this on shuffle could lead to topsy-turvyness that might not be a wise condition...released on th'hep'n groovy dandelion in '71 they later changed their name to tractor'n put out th'singular soundin wax o' th'same name...
...tractor gotta bizarre sound for a two-cat assault on th'senses, its th'recordin' that emits a slightly otherworld/evil? quality thats most probably down to th'acoustics more than a planned thing...released on th'wonderfully idiosyncratic dandelion in '72 this was a bit o' a talkin' point in amongst layabout head circles due mainly to this angry trebly sound o' th' wax, which fit th'music perfectly, though th'great unwashed ignored it with some degree o' stamina, much preferrin' th'sleepy sounds o' yes/tull'n other dullards o' college rock geeky-gunk...full o'propulsive grooves(neu/velvets type clatter)that work on fuzzed out fx pedal screech 'n th'tambourine comes in to much glorious effect when needed givin' some spirituality to this street level hard rock prog workout from yonder satanic mills o' yesterdays glory...this is th'sound o' small towns closin' after their uses're dried up from th'ever grindin' boss machine, th'sound o' hope in th'face o' unremittin' hostility from th'new feudal barons...
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