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...first things first, dig that cover, a beatnik statement on life and art/art and life, all is real but it could be phony, pop is disposable, it means nothing but its everything that matters yet it to will pass to be replaced, today is transient, not meant to last, consume or be certainly got the guardians of morality uptight demanding censorship, keeping it hid from impressionable minds who may want a bathroom of their own(too late the coming hippys were hopeless and soapless)...these acid eating beatnix scored lucky with their hollywood take on the folkrock boom that was getting underway in 65/66, some great tuneage on this first wax all delivered with zest and a cool sense of fun wrapped in a green haze smelling sweet...sunshine harmonies rub up against some hip R&B, folk pop with sneaky hip lyrics, all played by L.A session cats who all get grooved with a high vibe bouncing, pushing to make a new NOW pop that would propel the M&Ps straight into teenage hip life and beyond...always viewed with suspicion by more hardcore hippys as capitalist entertainment they were really visiting starsailors bringing the hep vibe to the teen populace that needed to be freed from a life of conformity, a life tied as a slave of the corporation......get it here...
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