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...cats who dig th'hard rock idiom'n by extension th'more riff heavy side o' early '70 prog'n who ain't been hep to this platter gonna be in for some sweet treat that don't come around th'block too often...recorded in los angeles in '68 this is one fine fine heady mixture o' th'psych sound that was dyin' out 'n proto hard rock but with little or no direct imput from th' blues (apart from th'fact th' whole o' rock come from that area o' endevour makes no never mind on th' subject in hand), this don't come from th' R&B strain or even folkrock gone loud, this is hard rock as it'use o' keyboards (played by don from nth.west aggro 'don 'n th' goodtimes'), 'n occasional operatic vocals (cats not diggin' that squealin' vocal style need not give it no heed coz these don't last too long 'n not too annoyin') give this whole shebang a very early proggy edge but th' codefied prog-moves that became cliche later're fresh 'n newly minted, th' blueprint was bein' laid out right here...interestin' lyrics're a total added bonus 'n complete th'picture o' this long forgotten combo who just arrived too early to make th'geetus that many scored with much lesser works a few months/years it is with some o' these adventurous disks it needs to be heard at least two or three times before listenin' so that it finds its way to' th'center o' th'noggin to give out its groovacious gaggle...
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