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skip to sidebar the vietnam hassle began to subside in the seventies due in no small part to corporate sponsorship dwindling as the generation gap co-ordinates mutated into fresh demographics of consumerism and the grunts with the meth habits came back to a world they no longer understood or more importantly felt part of, so to counteract any veteran lead civil uprising which potentially would have more power to engage in civil war moreso than any lefty hippy dropout shenanigans, government drug pushers put speed onto the meanstreets and this in turn gave rise to another rock'n'roll the cheap amphetamines made their way to layabouts and creative hooligans in small towns and large cities the urge to get to basic basement rocking took hold in '74/5/6 without any heavy metal/stadium pretentions...combos such as the testors sprang into being and cranked up the noise all across amerikkka from garages/low rent bars/warehouses where messed up minds were having the time of their lives (without having to pay unkkkle sam his pound of flesh)... a lot of these mid 70's punk/garage combos were old enough to remember the garage rock from the previous decade but had the fear of the draft hanging over them so their appreciation of true rocking had been clouded for many years with the downer drugs blotting the energy from their spirit, but now cheap and plentiful speed was exploding in fast bursts of rocking out...over the course of these 2 disks cats with the adventuous(but maybe the stoned retensious) ear will hear the blasts of prime era who/creation mixing it up with doses of ramones/dolls noise all racing round cheap studios/bars from '76/'79...attach this to dead boys style shouting and screeching furious riff pummel and some perfect underground rocking is kicking its way from the speakers out into the world...this is the sound of cats relief from war that was echoed and heard in many low rent urban centres until the younger generation of hardcore punks speeded up the riffs and shortened the rocking blasts a few years later......methamphetamine buzz...
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