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...another euroboot/semi legit disk that crops up regular adding to the landslide that shows no sign of abating any time soon, it seems marc is just as busy today as he was back in the day...first four tracks are alternate versions of some greatest hits and then the real reason for coppin this: 8 acoustic tunes laid down in LA radio station KDAY in february '72 on the amerikkkan tour for electric warrior and to round out the preceedings theres some super nice T.rex boogie laid down round about year earlier again in LA getting ready for the warrior little addition to the now landmark/definitive disc of marcs tenure as a hotcha star of the airways......tune in...
...sadly when this was released(71) these cats were washed up and stranded outside of nowheresville without much hope of a ticket back...this LP was their hope to get a passge to somewhere/anywhere whether it be first class or baggage didn't matter...the hep hallucinogenic heads always hated them because they represented showbiz and square bread and by this time the teenyboppers had moved on/grown up and the new generation of kids were stoned on downer drugs to block out any thoughts of the draft to namsville...the audience here (utah uni.)sound like an older lounge crowd and they kind of dig it so the combo aint playing to silence...theres a funky folk vibe going throughout with some rocky jazz screach and some lame-oh comedy which kind of smacks of desperation, but it adds to the period charm so its cool...a nice disk and cats who dig the studio wax going dig this

...back in the paisley underground hype of the early 80's when the los angeles suburbias were getting a second wind of LSD inflected pop noise one of the first on the scene were the salvation army who put out a fantastic LP full of pogo punk acid pop(sort of like buzzcocks all melting and tripping)...this is the sound of the sunset strip brought up the years, the sound of loves '7&7 is' single given an injection of amphetamine and stood in front of a strobe light until the neon melts away time, teenagers on a trip to tomorrow...a whirlwind rush of mind bending backward guitars, flashing cymbals, phasing, cheap NOWsound keyboards, the whole thing just slips and slides in the glow of lava lamp light shows capsizing the wigged-out patterns that crawl across the wobbly walls...its a stomp in the mind soup of inter-dimensional travel, a flip out in the marshmellow factory, the fastlane to ZAPville, down the psychedelic dragstrip to the centre of the mynd...a lot of bands working in the garage-punk-power-pop geekworld think they somehow can sound like this but really, no one ever comes close, this is otherworldy in its melding of 60s acidpunk/70s amped up pogo blitz, the join cannot be seen, so perfect is this creation of drugpop it only can appear once and then disappear leaving something beautifully intangible yet solid, to last into the eons of shamanic grooving, to dwell where the bohemians congregate...they had to change their name after a run in with the other salvation army who didn't feel they could compete with these psyched out hollywood punksters, so they became the three o'clock but somehow the change of identity defused the explosive quality of their sound, never again did they achive symmetry of ideas and enthusiasm and after the first 12inch EP it all went blandly downhill to nowhere and beyond......salvation here...

...taped at a los angeles radio station gig in late summer 82 this is the first and greatest incarnation of the dream syndicate, the only combo in the over-hyped paisley underground that understood the true meaning of psychedelic, they didn't blindly copy or play jangle power pop, they injected mind melting doom drones into a velvets chugging riff and overlayed some frayed buffalo springfield duelling licks to create a true meeting of NYC beatnik and LA acid rock, a meeting of socio-geographic minds and attitude through two decades of rock'n'roll distortion...the first half of the show sees the syndicate laying down frenzied crazed bursts of cerebral and moody guitar screeching drug rock, poet inclines of life unravelling, tumbling into empty room despair...the last half sees the jams getting longer and the intensity stretched, the internal wiring of the collective syndicate is set on fire with desire burning bright as a dead planet far deep in space...they roll'n'rock like the mythical mystery train speeding into the heart of darkness spewing rock'n'roll electricty and bringing the new dawn of acid rock...more than a few layabouts will get on out to flip city when they dig the belching narcotic stringbending thats getting let loose over wiggy velvets thud...frontman steve wynn does have some self conscious patter and hokey style humor thats nicely old fashion in the 21century, though his invocating wailings cant be faulted......tune in now...
...the first long player from the syndicate starts as it means to go on with a crashing guitar and backing thuds all slightly distorted as if seen through a gauze, a haze of chemical indulgence for the new psychedelic generation that was making itself felt in certain hep burgs around the head planet...the syndicate were part of the L.A paisley underground but stood apart due to the ferocity of their art attack(green on reds first E.P is about the only thing that comes near the original noise generated by the syndicate), most of the paisley combos didn't really have too much going for them after their first forays, the rain parade disks got blander with each effort,(their first showed much promise as well), 3 o'clock went downhill after the first E.P(their disk as the salvation army is an amazing blast of psyched out pop punk that stands alone even to this day)...this wax combined velvets up-tempo trance thuds with buzzing guitar noise post (early CBGB)television style with a strange joy division vibe replacing the buffalo springfield sounds they had when they got started, an unlikely meeting of manchester gothic punk and sunny california, this in itself was more signs the world becoming smaller by the day, influences flowing more free and easy than in the past, remolding instead of copying which had happened a decade/two decades earlier and on a smaller more roots underground level than before fuelled by independent records and the wide spread of fanzines(the mainly end result unfortunately of this flowing of influences has been the increasing hermogenity of rock'n'roll noise from local underground combos to corporate lackies)...liberal use of feedback and droning throw up more visions of prime era velvets that sit real cozy in the timeline of essential urban-drug-avant-noise which after the syndicate started having personel problems and releasing whack wax was taken up by the JAMC in glasgow in '83...kendra smith does her best to get her groove on with a cross between nico and marianne faithful but unfortunately shes only allowed to sing one tune(future personel problem bubbling right there)...proof of the greatness of this wax is easy to manifest by playing this and the first television disk back-2-back, they both flow into one another without a hitch, just a seamless progression...dig the bo diddley meets the velvets meets the great society on the title track, this alone is worth the price of admission, perfect symetry is obtained through the modal choogle drone...

...whats happening with this LP wax is intellectual heads make a hippie pop/rock outing thats totally successful which on paper is astonishing in itself but once heard it all becomes clear that it wouldn't be anything else...these cats maybe working in the more rarefied atmosphere of' the avant garde but its not the conscious conceivement of studious boffs, theres a playfulness that marks it out as different from the dry analytical works that were prevalent back in the day(the use of the word prevalent must be taken as relative to the times as well as the amount of ears and minds that're going to make any attempt at following such practice)...there is no need for layabouts to reach for a slide rule and graph paper, there is no arithmetic to be solved through tricky manipulation of logarithm, this is avant-rock of a decidedly giving nature...these're tunes with a commercial bent, though of course the general citizens would ignore it, played with some electrical instruments of the then avant kind,(oscillators/ring modulator being just two to mention) and the lyrics deal with society and all that word may involve and invoke that repay a few spins...only a few cats have tried this style of poprock and this is most likely the best due to the fact that it seemed normal to them at the time, nothing is forced to make anything fit or be consciously weird to attract hippie cred(market niche?) which these cats could care less about......oscillate... the vietnam hassle began to subside in the seventies due in no small part to corporate sponsorship dwindling as the generation gap co-ordinates mutated into fresh demographics of consumerism and the grunts with the meth habits came back to a world they no longer understood or more importantly felt part of, so to counteract any veteran lead civil uprising which potentially would have more power to engage in civil war moreso than any lefty hippy dropout shenanigans, government drug pushers put speed onto the meanstreets and this in turn gave rise to another rock'n'roll the cheap amphetamines made their way to layabouts and creative hooligans in small towns and large cities the urge to get to basic basement rocking took hold in '74/5/6 without any heavy metal/stadium pretentions...combos such as the testors sprang into being and cranked up the noise all across amerikkka from garages/low rent bars/warehouses where messed up minds were having the time of their lives (without having to pay unkkkle sam his pound of flesh)... a lot of these mid 70's punk/garage combos were old enough to remember the garage rock from the previous decade but had the fear of the draft hanging over them so their appreciation of true rocking had been clouded for many years with the downer drugs blotting the energy from their spirit, but now cheap and plentiful speed was exploding in fast bursts of rocking out...over the course of these 2 disks cats with the adventuous(but maybe the stoned retensious) ear will hear the blasts of prime era who/creation mixing it up with doses of ramones/dolls noise all racing round cheap studios/bars from '76/'79...attach this to dead boys style shouting and screeching furious riff pummel and some perfect underground rocking is kicking its way from the speakers out into the world...this is the sound of cats relief from war that was echoed and heard in many low rent urban centres until the younger generation of hardcore punks speeded up the riffs and shortened the rocking blasts a few years later......methamphetamine buzz...
...these yanquee teens were to be found down south america way during the garage explosion of the mid sixties, living in colombia as sons of the military complex who were busy making things safe for amerikkkan interests (cocaine peddling/anti commie shenanigans),and they got to put out two LPS in 66/7 that are chocka full of groovy covers and a way this is a cool roundup of the times with stones covers/ventures style instros done in a sloppy way/folk rock/garage r&b, all styles that were running out of date with the new psychedelic gimmicks coming in to push the garage punk swill into the dumper...(cats must dig track two with its totally hep teen take on the elevators vibe, its a gassss)...if this combo had been back on their home turf they could have possibly made the transision to acid rock heads but being away from the world it weren't to happen that way......get it here...
...this wax got to be one of dr. chadbournes top efforts in the rock'n'swill field...street level blotter damaged swirling bugged out trip on the one-way-train to gonesville...crazed covers and bang on originals make for some lobe gouging of the highest order...cats digging a full on lid flipping blast going to fly this platter to endsville and most likely all points beyond......get it here...

...quite the reason why cleveland ohio was so stacked with underground swill-mongers like the electric eels/pere ubu/rocket/dead boys/mirrors is open to many thesis wonderings...thr list reads like a whos-who of top trash and that ain't even including these stoner street level cats...they started life in the garage as the mad staggers which is a cool name for 1974 thats for the time they devolved to the pagans they were a full ON rock'n'roll attack squad laying down blitzkrieg noise for all interested parties...harking their racket back to the mid six-oh garage punkers and laying some scummy metal guitar squeal/bass throb/pummel all over and blasting like the dead boys and other anglo influenced '77 riff killers they piled up a goodly amount of tapes both studio and live and thats whats presented here...kicking off with the first single and moving through monumental hot joints that stand loud and proud next to any combo who rocked the days(and nights)...ends with a live set from summer '79 with guests jimmy zero/cheetah chrome helping lay waste to the assembled punk heads......get it here...
...great bin liners of pogo madness all stapled together to present enough eater for any layabout in need of some '77 style thud and twang...these cats were real teenagers during the punk explosion of 76/7 and this got them some derisive remarks from some of the older brigade who were pub rockers/hippys with haircuts(clash come to mind), basically jealousy of youth from 22 year olds(weird)...what is so cool about listening to 28 eater tunes one after the other is the riffs they've purloined make a cat remember plenty other long gone combos/disks...yep indeed, eater were no strangers to spotting a groovy riff and appropriating for their own use and they knew which ones to covers of bowie/t.rex/velvets break up the pogo with some glam splattage...
...get it here...
...bolting together such trash as new york dolls and some second hand stoogian riffery crime upset the earth shoe granola hippys in their hometown by having the afront to play rock'n'roll dressed as cops...back around '75 time in old frisco town rocking hadn't been heard for many moons and these cats going by the names frankie fix/hank rank/ron the ripper/johnny strike decided it was time for shaking some action and kicked up a storm in any club that would pay them...this boot is made up of one session taped in early 78 and the second halfs from '79, the whole mess all blasted out live in the studio... ...get it here... are four chancers who arrived fairly early on the punk scene and proceeded to put out a couple of singles in '77/8 and garnered some press in the punk rags of the day in their native toronto and further afield in europe...their live shows were a whirlwind of aggression and maddening possibilities...cats who dig the primal thud and screach of '77 punk like the dead boys or anglo hopefuls suburban studs will dig this pile up of tracks that tell the short but intense story of vileness......get it here...

...formed in 77 and after a single on the magnificent dangerhouse label they signed to slash records and put out this fantastic of the finest combos out of the cali punk explosion of the late seventies when styles of noise weren't yet codified, they managed to sound unlike most of their peers even though they had plenty of buzzing guitars because the tunes had words that told vignettes of modern urban existance, not just sloganeerin and cheering for 'our side'...because ray manzarek produced the wax a lot of old school earth shoe hippy critics desperate to get a handle on the punk revolution claimed them as the new wave to take yanquee music forward into the next decade...unfortunately being lauded by rolling stone and other organs of reactionary propaganda backfired and the original followers fell away because they saw the combo being co-opted by the enemy(old squares who cared nothing for the music, only their standing as being on the ball with the latest trends)...the later waxings though of interest never told of a time and place like this one, never captured the feelin of urgency so necessary for the songs to fire on all cylinders...included here are demos for the first single and the title track in its dangerhouse version which originally appeared on 'YES LA' and other good grooves from long ago when rock'n'roll still was important......get it here...

...marvellous pile up of chancers all putting the rock'n'roll stomp on some hotcha glam riffs stolen from bowie/bolan/glitter plus looking back to some yanquee vox pumping from the garages of '66...this biscuit is 100% thud pop from the strange years in the early seventies when proggy nit-wits tried to peddle worn out classical fairy tales as the newest thing for the kids, when limp wristed 'sensitive' bards serenaded young couples with bad poetry...thud pop that was immediately kicking in giving that all important rocking rush thats so needed for survival in the square world...theres a few names popping up here that would get a lift up with punk, jesse hector crops up in 3 different guises/knox from the vibrators is shaking his thing/only one peter perret darts in from 73 and the forward thinking hopefuls the hollywood brats are sick on you...glam bein the era of the record producer(what era isnt when big business gets a handle)theres some powerful bouncing noise going on thats more addictive than crack and better for thesoul, some good old rock'n'roll from start to finish(then start again)...other groovy names present are the jook/jet with andy from johns children/flintlock who had a programme for kids on teevee back in the day/milk'n cookies from NYC/and somehow ducks deluxe get a look in plus many other long gone star satin looners, all of whom knew how to kick out the glam-jams when most had given up...the title comes from talcy malcys agency that (mis)handled sex pistol exploits in the mad jubilee year of '77 that all this secret teenage noise led up to......get it here...

...fantastic bundle of liveness from bostons real kids taken from shows in the explosive garage underground years of 76/78 when the suburbs were rocking once more...often get labelled as power pop by lazy 'johnny come lately' bozos but that shouldn't put rock'n'roll heads off because this is rocking with a capitol R,not limpo fab4 wannabees in skinny ties...layabouts who dig the second MC5 wax and prime era flamin groovies/dolls stonesian swagger and nuggets punk will get a fried atomic buzz from these chipper sounding excavations of solid blasting noise(dig the inbetween chat to grab some true rocking hepness, mentions of eddie cochran/mitch ryder working in a car plant/teddy and the pandas, this is all underground history when these tunes were taped, not retro-namedropping as it would be in the present 'play by numbers' era of information conformity)...tracks 1-9 come from a radio broadcast in may 78 and the rest go backwards in time taking in '77 c.b.g.b and the last six tunes come from their hometown hangout the rat in '76...all in all 24 beer soaked amphetamine snorting leather jacket quakes of rattling vibrations straight from coolsville......get it here...

...who'd have thought these layabout chancers would have been treading the boards in any form long enough to have the first wax released as a thirtieth anniversary 3cd blowout?,thats right amigo not too many but that is indeed whats up with this, three disks packed with radio sessions/b-sides/demos/plus the first gig at the 100club(supporting the pistols) in old london towne...from the beginning bass throb of neatneatneat this is a perfect encapsulation of street level rock'n'roll in the mid seventies blowing the past few years of singer songers/prog musos into the garbage bin and bury it...this is dave vanian and mates digging the grave of pomposity and lighting the dawn of a new era giving the kids something of their own, a new hope where millionaire coke heads didn't get a look in...buzzing guitar and pummeling drums, cymbals ringing all underpinned with the captains throbbing strings with daves monotone delivery gliding over the top...released early '77 this got the year off to a fine start, a year that saw incredible wax from the clash/pistols/jam plus many other long forgotten players who all helped rescue music from the blahs...the bonus disks round out the whole shebang by adding singles and the first demos( june76) plus sessions for john peels radio show and the july'76 appearance at the 100club...dig the fact theres hardly anyone in attendance at this gig yet many have come to think they actually were, such must be the power of positive thinking(or lying)...50 tracks in just over two hours, well worth the bother for this monumental reissue of screaching rock'n'roll noise......get it here...
...not only is this a good account of a small independent '60s record label its also a nice snapshot of what was happening clubwise in old albion away from some of the elitist london town watering holes that required some sort of bank account to get in to sip overpriced under proofed scotch...mersey beat and club pop soul rub shoulders with proto freakbeat thud...session musos get busy mixing up some big beat pop hoping to score that HIT sound...some yanquee style east coast blue eyed soul drop by to brighten up the day with youthful chanting looking to get the kids dancing...some right-on soul shouting takes the listener down to smokey dimly lit basements where everything is once removed from the daily grind...its like listening to pirate radio(except better because that was mostly in the hands of big companies peddling their wares)where the whole thing comes on like a nightclub for out-of-town groovers...
...get it here...
...head gorilla jesse hector has been rocking out since nineteen sixty so by the time he put this combo together in the early seventies he'd seen the trends and changes come and then go...fifties rock'n'roll mixed with freakbeat mixed with hendrix power trio attack all combining to rock the backrooms and beerhalls anywhere that would let them play...glam rock colliding with the small faces r&b to give out some stomping thud pop to keep all cats moving and grooving...this is a cool compilation of top gorillaness from the mid seventies and extra special notice should be paid to the last 7tracks as they represent the gorillas as they were at the mont de marson punk festival in france 1976, the first festival of its kind, truly historical and fabulous rocking gear...another point of interest for cats who dig the vibe in all colours will want to check out that cover picture, 'blue peter' tee-shirt design and carpet slippers, first class tickets got to have fun......get it here...

...keyboard heavy power trio proggers who mixed blue-eyed soul shouting, jazzy keys and some rock thud into a crowd pleasing arty swill...not the arty 'cleverclever' student nonsense that some dullards(yes/ELP/gentle giant)peddled but a more club orientated street level slop with artiness learned from digging jazz cats on a rush in sweat soaked sweet leaf basements of old london towne...unfortunately they failed to sustain the groove over a full LP and when they didn't have a hook to hang onto they were a bit lumbering which bought the listener right down, but when they were on it they were firing on all cylanders and were delivering a real cool buzz...thats where this double disk compilation blowout covering the hotcha years 70/74 comes in and serves their memory real nice and does justice to their brand of swirling doomy r&b/jazz prog...even here theres a coupla tracks that could have been left off but overall this is some funky stew that hits the spot more than it misses...some cats were of the opinion that when chris farlow came in to do the vocalizing his brand of histionic throat shredding was beyond the pale but listening in the HERE&NOW that aint necessarily the case, it seems to (nearly)fit right in as the decade moves along and the funk guitar chopping comes ripping out the speakers...(although always remembered for the trio work of early days plenty of different cats been through the rooster lineup but head honcho vince crane keeps the patented atomised groove on a true path)...the last couple of tracks on disk two may not be too much like the original sound but it still has that undefinable rooster thing going on......get it here...
...a recording vehicle for a couple of tin pan alley songwriters to cash in on the burgeoning hippy craze back in the day...cats digging the albion take on harmony pop with a snootfull of tea shop sike and some kind of protoprog suite with snake-oil salesman gimmic lyrics should get a cool vibe out of this...this is swinging 6os/carnaby street exploito flower-power explosion of boss sounds that roll along on cotten candy clouds high in the sky...over an hours worth of lemonade and cream cake sike for those times when its needed......get it here...