
delaney and bonnie

...originally planned to be released on th'fab4's apple label, when this joint( out on th'still erstwhile'n cool elektra) dropped in old london towne hep cats'n music biz snobs alike thought some sort o' second comin' had arrived...here was this blued-eyed funky gospel groovin'/hornrock attack with a rocknroll heart that sounded unlike most things th'underground dwellers were listenin' to...it was all part o' th'basement tapes/get back phenomenon that was takin' a strong hold on th'forward thinkin' minds...th'acid/psych daze were in th'past, th'befuddled hallucinations left in th'back alleys o' yesterday, a new 'keepin it real' had arrived...honesty had begun to make a re-appearance(accordin' to th'hype o' th'day-legend has it that this LP was th'first rockband to get advertised on th'london subway system)'n this R&B stew was a product o' said integrity...theres some mighty fine shoutin'n ballad'n rockin' goin' on here, a brilliant dixie gumbo o' righteous hotcha grooves'n goodtime vibes...'nuff said...

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