
black merda

...inspired by th'acid power trio madness o' jimi'n cream these brothers from detroit set about rockin' up th' blues both urban'n country'n distilled it to great effect on their first LP...indubitably a slow growin' hotcha burner which over a few spins just gets more intense'n full on...its street level funk jams stretched out slightly, givin' th' listener time to fully dig th'groove o' th'smoked out th'time this was gettin' released they hooked up with edwin starr'n did some road work promotin' his funky masterpeice'WAR'so that gives all heads th' word that these cats can rock th'room aswell as th'funk...layabouts who got lazy afternoons to get down with arthurly roundabout th'69/70 will want this cloudy waxin' while freshenin' up th'pipe...

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