...even in this information overload age, not too much is known still about this slice of exploito/cash in nonsense from late six oh times...supposedly from british columbia but some possible connections with l.a studio cats...theres some wigged cat who sounds very much like wildman larry f.(not him) pops up a couple times and theres some sunshine pop and r'n'b keyboards swirling around but this is more a comical cutup designed to pull in some teen-hippy bread with its allusions to being some kind of messed up psychedelic trip...some tracks come off good and a couple are just lame fake beatnik humor that would be more at home in suburban fifties land...layabouts needing some sort of handle on this illusive slippery disk might want to dig a pile up of kim fowley/60sMADmagazine/bonzos/murray romans 'beat people up...' LP/wcpaeb/ though on a level that ain't no way hallucinogenic (whiskey and reefer possibly)...once an acceptance has been made that this don't work on its once intended level of suckering in the roobs with promises of out thereness, though in many places this would be above the average patriot citizens tolerance threshold even in this cynical day and age, it is a mighty fine lobeful that can be heard more than once which can't usually be said for most comedy wax...definitely aimed at the kids and not the workaday square its a period piece that sits well with other oddities from when the times they were a'changing...
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