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skip to sidebar wrestler makes halfway decent biscuit the headlines might have said if' anybody had noticed...knocked out in an afternoon this is a real chipper bag of bluesy turn of the '70s hard rocking cut has a bit of early six oh horror rock which lends a nice bit of carny style to the preceeding...cats will have fun with some of the lyrics that are obviously heartfelt but come off on a real people level even though this cat is in showbiz...some riffs are outright steals which is always the pinacle of aceness on second division wax such as this and he gets real wig flipping into in his delivery a couple of times...nice cutting fx guitar take it right to the next level...a extremely nice addition to any rocking pile up of retardo b-grade slop......wrestle...
This guy was very popular as one of bad guy wrestlers back in the late 60's to mid 70's around the Portland, Oregon vicinity. He was also famous for tag teaming with the notorious masked man known as the Claw, or better known as Stan Staziack. He turned over a new leaf and dissed his former partner, then created this album.
thanks for that valuable information from when wrestling was fun and not just cynical manipulation from wouldbe rock tarts...
In my haste for background, I want to apologize for not thanking you for this album.
Thank you!
Here's a link with some very interesting information of some very famous other wrestlers.
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