...there is some well nifty swaggering boogie riffing hard rock on this second blast from the 'smith and basically we see the whole blueprint for what they'll do in future years is in place (unfortunately it will be watered down to fit the needs of the general population of teen stoners, the great unwashed masses who were suddenly locked into FM rotation radio, but that needn't concern cats withan eye to rocking right now)...every track moves along real nice with some good humour that they seem to excel in placing just where its needed without resorting to comical phrasing and well in evidence is some tasty guitaring...good effort and easy to see that the clean production helps bring tunes to full realisation... ...flying...
...first thing a rocking cat has got to do at this late date is forget the last 4 decades happened to this bunch of suburban hillbillys...after the 'smith were discovered by the citizens of amerikkka, the great unwashed, the culturally moribund slaves to hypnotic death ray TV, the band went downhill faster than fast in their desperate attempt to keep the drugged teenys happy with weak and lousy riffs that got evermore lacklustre with every passing slab...but hold the phone a moment, there was a time when the 'smith knew exactly how a total rocking slice should be constructed and this is precisely whats happening here...blues based hard rock riffing with a few leftover psych moves and some good old R'n'B with a couple of nods to late six oh glimmer twin business...well tasty and that cant be denied...these disks must be considered, when all is taken into account their best moves, their great contribution to 'rocking up the joint'... ...high...
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