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...exile on main str.,th'last real stones Lp re-imagined in a post NO WAVE style, decontructed'n rebuilt only somewhat outta sync, th'total essense o' th'stones country-soul-blues has been given a heavy doze o' back alley urban blight...pussy galore're stressin' out on short temper'n cheap speed, this is much th'sound o' bad drugs'n hangovers, kinda like if sonic youth could have dropped some o' their (deserved) arty pretention'n kicked out th'jams like th'velvets or th'godz did back in th'60's they'd have got some way to groovin' in this messed up way, DO -IT-NOW, not later...actually this restructurin' o' a classic seventies wax came about cos sonic youth were chattin' on about redoin' th'white album so pussy galore got up'n got busy doin', not chattin', they took th'stones dartford town blues'n gave it a NYC manglin', sprayin' grease'n grit all over th'tunes'n then sometimes attackin' th'tapes with a rusty shiv(a real live jook joint cut up)...shoutin' vernacular language here'n there th'combo work their way through a feedback splatter'd hour o' heavy skronk, chaotic hazy smoked out slop, th'way it should be, badly recorded for maximum damage, this will wreck th'unsuspectin' noodle, a dune buggy assault fueled on cheapo-cheapo generic bath-tub acid, crazed'n slippin' into a spasmodic coma with ugly hallucinations screamin' their way into half lit dungeons o' shakey dreams, full o' longin'n desperation, lurid daydreams that won't stop repeatin', each time less discernible but no less'stones in their old age might not recognise it as their original creation though most likely keef could get a buzz once he'd come acclimatised to such messed up shenanigans, but take charlie patton from clarksdale 1929'n put him in NYC 1986'n he may well understand this unholy racket, th'sound o' th'updated hick town drownin' in itself, wallowin' in stenchin' gutters'n huddled in a heroin come down in a fifth floor cold water apartment where th'rent man is as unwelcome as th'cops...pussy's show their post punk neo beatnik style through th'FM radio o' their younger years...
Pussy Galore had it going, the two shows I saw them play were amazin
indeed, they kicked up a great racket when th' mood took hold...
Nice Post. PG had it going, I saw them a couple of times and have played the lP's tons of times. This particular one was on my want list forever in the pre download age, it is a nice set for sure
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